1992-11-09 - East Campus Study Break

East Campus 2nd Floor Lounge

Ladies and Gentlemen, Back despite popular demand, the cleverest band in the world, the Columbia University Marching Band

J. Chris Wiggins - Head Manager
J. Paul Bua - Drum Major
and J. Free Food - Major Attraction

Welcomes itself back to beautiful, spacious, recently renovated yet still in need of renovation East Campus, where we’re sure the game will be more exciting than studying Economics, {the band will be louder than the sounds of construction,} and the food will be as in demand as those stylin’ French cut Marching Band T-shirts on sale throughout the study break.

And, in case you haven’t seen the posters, the latest round in the JSUBSO soap opera is in full effect. BSO is celebrating the anniversary of Kristallnacht by inviting Khalid Mohammad, minister of information for the nation of Islam. JSU’s own contribu tion to race relations week was a protest at the sundial. A larger counter protest is expected soon, since the BSO is very concerned about its first amendment rights, there hasn’t been a good effigy burning since Columbus Day, and most importantly, Ben Je alous’s Midterms are over. [The CCSC proposed to react, but decided to stick with rigid tradition and merely counter each other’s proposals for two hours.] The CCSC did decide to invite Elie Wiesel to campus as soon as possible after Mohammad, a move exp ected to be almost as effective as placing the Hartley Kosher deli as close as possible to the Malcom X lounge. The band now salutes race relations week by playing James Brown’s I Feel Good, to be followed as soon as possible by Hava Nageliah.